Membership, Serving & Giving

At the Countess Free Church we hope everyone can feel that they belong, whether they have lots of faith or none, whatever their background or circumstances.

The church itself is made up of people who want to follow Christ together. For themselves they seek to be ever closer to Jesus. Together they seek the direction that Jesus wants us to take as a church. They commit to worship together, follow in their discipleship together, and serve together in the life of the church. People who have an active faith, have made a public profession of their faith (through baptism, for example), and who want to commit to the life of the church join the formal membership of the church. They then participate in the life and decision making processes that enable us as a church to venture forwards.

If you are interested in membership, chat to one of the leadership team who would love to start talking this through with you.


We do our discipleship “in mission”: serving and reaching people around us in a variety of ways. Many of us learn and grow by rolling up our sleeves and getting stuck in! There are lots of different ways to get involved – summarised in our Menu of Mission.

All of this is enabled by the core of the church that we call a “resourcing base”. At the core there are lots of opportunities to serve, whether it is in our Sunday gatherings, behind the scenes, working with people, or more specialised roles. All this is summarised in our Resourcing Base Opportunities document.


The church is self-financing, so members are encouraged to give as God leads them. We seek God together for the resources to pursue the ministry to which Jesus is calling us. More information on the best ways to give can be found on our financial giving page.