Ely Brick Show Goes Online

Following the success of last year’s Brick Show, we had hoped to bring another this year – but of course events with the coronavirus took over. However we are now pleased to announce that from Saturday 5th September the Ely Brick show is going online!

Using videos and other online interactive possibilities a number of incredible models and contraptions built out of Lego will be on display. This collection has kindly been put together by a local presenter in support of the Ely CAP Debt Centre that the church supports.

To access the displays and information about them, please go to the Ely Brick Show web page. Through that web page donations can be made, which will all go to the work of the CAP Debt Centre.

From Star Wars and Harry Potter to Great Ball Contraptions, there are a plethora of creative builds to view. Furthermore, you can also see displays such as medieval castles, watch a country western animation, view Disney Main Street, delight in the Lego City, Brick on Sea, and wonder at the intricately detailed buildings, as well as so many others, conjured from the imaginations of these talented creators.

Extras that add to the show also include an interview with finalists from the Channel 4 programme Lego masters, a Lego Kahoot quiz, Lego build competition and Lego workshops ranging from how to make Lego trees, to getting the texture right when making a Lego beach.