New Series in Ezekiel: Strange Messages for Strange Times

We all agree that this year has been the strangest of times, with the corona virus pandemic turning the world upside down and leaving us all scrabbling to think what might be a ‘new normal’. It is time for us to think outside of the usual confines, and seek God for the bigger picture!

So into the autumn we will be looking into the book of Ezekiel – a prophet who had a range of extraordinary visionary experiences. God showed Ezekiel how the usual way of understanding things was simply no longer correct, that He had purposes way beyond what anyone might think of.

The book of Ezekiel contains some of the strangest and most graphic messages of the Bible. We will be digging into some of the themes to help us as we learn to navigate life with corona virus and ongoing restrictions. These messages will be shared between our whole church online Zoom gatherings, the podcasts, and potentially ‘in the real’ gatherings on Sundays if/when we are able to hold them.

Above all we trust that God is in control, and that He has a way for us as His church – so we turn to Ezekiel: Strange Messages for Strange Times!