Every Member Contributes

Church is people – people who are committed to and following Christ. Every member is important and can contribute. With the sense that we have of God’s calling on our lives to be ‘A Church in Mission Across the City‘, it follows that the discipleship of each member is mission critical.

Even during these strange lockdown times each of us can contribute with our diverse gifting. We believe that God has gifted us as Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Teachers and Shepherds – all of which combine for the task God has called us to.

Each of the above gifts is essential. We cannot afford to have any one to the exclusion of another. No one person will always excel in all five, but together members can contribute so that all five work dynamically together – building up the church, enabling it to be stronger in its task, so that even through these unprecedented times we continue to be A Church in Mission Across the City.