Hardware Reset

In the anticipation of coming out of lockdown we are praying and reflecting as a church. The leadership team are asking all groups and activities to have a prayerful review rather than assuming they will automatically restart.

We are urging every group and mission activity team to seek God during this period, so that if they do restart they can refresh and rehearse their sense of purpose and calling. We are also asking that both groups and mission activity teams seriously look at their rhythm and patterns to consider how they might increase their depth of prayer and spirituality that underpins their activity.

We are reminding ourselves that it is God’s Mission – and we get to join in! This is a concept that theologians call ‘Misseo Dei‘. All too often we can get caught up in our activities and subtly swap things around, creating stuff (albeit good stuff …) that we then ask God to bless. Perhaps even stuff He never actually called us to in the first place!

The lockdown period has given a rare opportunity for us to do a kind of ‘Hardware Reset’ across our activities. As we look to re-enter we want to carefully seek God for His calling on what He wants to lead us forward with, giving permission to drop or change the things where perhaps our sense of calling is no longer so apparent.