You are more than welcome to join us for our whole church gatherings. These take place at our buildings on Chapel Street on Sundays at 10.30am. For more information on what happens on Sundays, please click our Discover page.
Each person is invited to follow Jesus – a lifelong process called discipleship. This is best done with other people rather than trying to survive on your own! For people new to faith we have special groups that are safe places to discover at your own pace. For those now following Jesus we encourage teaming up with one or two others for close support, joining a group or a team, as well as attending our Sunday gatherings and other events.

The various kinds of groups and opportunities to be on a team are described on our small groups and mission activity teams page.
We foster a mentoring and apprenticeship culture and recognise that we are all learners. With this we look to develop leadership abilities across all members, encouraging, releasing and affirming people in ministry in a number of ways. For example as Community Ministers, or simply through helping out with one of the many initiatives and activities we take part in as a church.