Discover Us!

Members of the public tell us we are warm, welcoming, friendly and always helpful. Our Sunday gatherings at 10.30am are relaxed and have an informal feel, typically lasting about 90 minutes followed by tea/coffee. Our praise & worship is aided by contemporary music led by a band of musicians. We encourage people to take part or respond in different ways, often with a question or theme to think about … but we also always respect those who prefer to sit quietly with their own thoughts and prayers.

Family is important to us, so we start with all ages together before the children and young people disperse into age appropriate groups (with a creche for babies and those under 3 years). There are always friendly faces to direct newcomers in the right direction. Please note that those in school years 7 to 10 typically go with leaders to a group which is held off-site (a 5 minute walk from our Chapel Street building), or on occasion to a coffee shop in town for a combination of hot chocolate and hot topics!

Once a month the service is all age throughout. It is shorter in length (about 60 minutes), where we explore faith across the ages.

There are a number of mid-week activities for people to come and join us, have fun, and meet one another.