New to faith, exploring, or just want to hang out – young people are welcome to join us!

Come and Join Us at the Countess Free Church

We love investing in young people, helping them to discover faith that will enable them to flourish in the lives ahead of them. Our young people meet through a range of activities that take place at different times and places – we recognise there is no ‘one size fits all’! Feel free to contact us (see below) for more details and how we can enable you to get plugged in!

Our prayer and desire is that we can encourage young people to lifelong discipleship and service of Jesus Christ.

A range of different activities …

Friday Nights

Certain Fridays – where young people can chill and join in various games or organised activities. These can range from music jam nights through to an evening out (e.g. ice skating).

Sunday Mornings

We all gather together at 10.30am for our Sunday Gathering. Often the young people (typically ages 11-14) go to their own group, while older ones are encouraged to volunteer in some way. Once a month the whole group go to a coffee shop for part of the service.

Explore Life

We have a group for girls to explore issues together, and a group for boys to explore. These tend to meet on Sunday late afternoon / evenings about once or twice a term.

Special Youth Events

A few times a year we work collaboratively with the other churches in Ely to hold special youth events like Revive and Awaken.

Informal Mentoring

As the young people progress through secondary school we offer an informal buddy/mentor – an adult who will look out for them and encourage them.

Summer Camps

Our young people go off together for one of the Christian youth festival camps.