Easter Day 2021

A year of pandemic disruption, hardship, loss and anguish. Now spring is emerging, the weather is changing, and Easter Day is coming! “See I am doing a new thing …“, as we look up beyond our circumstances to the one who changes things and makes new. As a church we are coming together online to celebrate the wonder of the risen Jesus – showing us new life is not just possible, but a reality.

We will be using Zoom / Youtube for this gathering, since this is the best way for as many of us to gather safely as a church. The live stream will start by 10.35am.

Click Here for our Youtube Live Stream …

Our gathering online will last for just over an hour, and will include hearing what God has been doing among us as a church recently, a communion spot where we remember Jesus who died for all and yet is now risen, and a message that speaks into our lives today. You are welcome to join us!