Families Faith and Growing Together

At Countess Free Church families are important to us, because they are important to God. As a church we see that playing out in the incredible bonds both within families as well as between families. It is all about enabling young & old alike to grow and thrive. The African proverb ‘it takes a village to raise a child’ rings true – Countess Free Church is an extended family, a net of different relationships providing the environment to raise children … and for the adults to grow too!

As well as having different age appropriate groups for children and young people to gather into as part of our Sunday gatherings, we also encourage and resource families to explore faith together at home. We know that old can learn from the young, just as the children and young people can learn from the adults. Our groups enable discovery and creativity – learning together as we go.

All children are different and so we don’t assume any kind of ‘one size will fit all’ approach with our young people. Some prefer the games nights, some like the film nights, while others thrive on the peer led groups where the young people delve into the Bible for themselves – all these are part of our youth work. Alongside this we also offer informal mentoring where an adult in the church looks out for a young person, asks them how they are doing, prays for and encourages them. In our culture that is saturated with social media, it is all about us being genuine and real with each other – sharing the struggles as well as delights.

Whether you are established in your own faith, or hardly know where to start … Countess Free Church is a place to grow together, with all shapes and sizes learning what it means to follow Jesus.