Starting Sunday September 5th in our weekly whole church gatherings at 10.30am: a new series looking through the letter to the Colossians.
Paul wrote to the Christians in Colossae to both encourage them and to urge them to keep focussed on the grand ‘Good News’ task that God was working out across the entire region. Today, in our pandemic stricken times, we too want to hear the encouragements and the call to keep going with the same ‘Good News’ task for our city and the whole world.
At Countess Free Church we recognise that all of us are still tired and affected by the pandemic. We are still working out what society and life can now look like going forward. So we will be using our whole church gatherings on Sundays to work through this letter that affirms faith and the work of Jesus in each of us for the whole world. The letter reminds us of the incredible resources that are found in God Himself – resources He has ‘stored up for us’! From these we can be there for each other: affirming one another, and learning together afresh the call and mandate He has for each of our lives.
Our gatherings start at 10.30am.
Everyone is invited – no need to book!
Together in Jesus we can therefore venture forward, being healed ourselves and bringing healing to the hurting world around us.
Our gatherings will start at 10.30am each Sunday, with no need to book – just turn up and join in! On most Sundays, after starting altogether, the children and young people will go out to different age appropriate groups. Our gatherings will finish around mid-day with refreshments in the hall, and opportunities to chat further and have someone pray alongside you.
In line with government recommendations wearing masks indoors is still encouraged, but not compulsory. Everyone is welcome to join us on these occasions, as we gather to be in God’s presence together, affirming and encouraging each other. In these times together as church we care and pray for each other, learn together, and are sent out energised with direction, vision and challenge – as a church in mission across the city.