Week of Prayer 5th to 12th November

Our next week of prayer runs Sunday 5th to 12th November – a week where we deliberately make space to pray, spending time with God, seeking Him along with others for His work among us.

The focus of this week is ‘Use your faith to build yourselves up – praying in the Spirit (Jude 20)’ – a call to put faith into action and pray, making a conscious effort to build each other up. The week has several activities detailed in the flyer below, but the main events are detailed here:

Sun 5th 7.30pm Simply Worship A time to worship and pray with others for the life of the churches across the city
Wed 8th Daytime Prayers Stations for GenR8 A chance to drop in and pray for the work of GenR8 across the area
Wed 8th 8pm Gather to Pray – in the church, praying for our different activities.This is the main event to attend
Thurs 9th from 2pm to
Sat 11th ending 5.30pm
Resources for Prayer – Laid out in the church for you t come and browse in your own time.
Sun 12th 7pm Gifts Workshop A no-hype practical introduction to the spiritual gifts


The Wednesday evening gathering is the main event for the whole church to come together to pray, but also the times with the different prayer stations and resources enable a rich, diverse way for all ages to engage with God during the week.
