New Series start September: Christ-Like Unity
On Sunday September 4th at Countess Free Church we start our new series for the autumn term. Using Paul’s first letter to the early Corinthian church we will be exploring “Christ-Like Unity“.
In our fast changing culture it is important for each of us to work out what it means to be a follower of Jesus who is faithful to His call. That generates a whole range of questions ranging from how do we witness to those around us who are coming from a very different place to our own faith, through to an examination of our own ethical and moral choices.
Not only is it important for each Jesus follower to work this out for themselves, but we also have to figure these things together – being church and the body of Jesus! When Paul wrote to the early Corinthian church there were already fracture lines between different groups of believers, no doubt fuelled by an ever broadening diversity of new Christians. Paul’s over-riding desire was that each and every one continued to look to Jesus as the centre of their faith, and discern from Him what they should be doing. His appeal for Christ-like unity is one that we can learn from today, as we study this letter together.
The series runs through our Sunday gatherings at 10.30am, starting in September and continuing into December. Families are important to us, so we will accompany the series with a set of at-home family resources near the start of the term.