On a typical Sunday we have over 30 children with us in the service. After an initial time altogether the children and young people disperse in different directions. Whilst the older children go to their own group, the younger ones typically have an age appropriate worship time in the hall, before settling into groups arranged for their ages and ability.
Jesus is alive today and we want to make space for young lives to encounter him. To help that we encourage the use of story and imagination in prayer.
The Bible is rich in story, and we try to find ways to help the children appreciate the story for themselves. How do they understand the characters, what happened, and the significance? Can they find their own way to tell the story?
Prayer is two-way, and we believe the Spirit can speak among our children just as He can with adults. We are open to exploring this in creative ways.
Our work on Sunday represents a piece of the jigsaw in the bigger picture of Children and Family. Our hope is that each child discovers their own relationship with God through Jesus Christ that develops into lifelong discipleship.